c++ - ATL & COM - Multiple servers, one binary? -

i have 2 com dlls. both of implement atl::catldllmodulet<>. understanding, class dirty work of registering , unregistering com objects. there way merge these 2 one?

class cfoo : public atl::catldllmodulet< cfoo > { public :     declare_libid(libid_foolib)     declare_registry_appid_resourceid(idr_foointerface, "{4e6823f7-230b-4d6c-9195-571b94b32859}") }; 

the 2 projects have, 1 dll , other lib (which gets linked in).

see object_entry_auto macro creates link between clsid , implementation object provide support registration, initialisation, , creation of class. use macro each clsid want exe/dll.


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