What are all these DLLs in the Castle ActiveRecord 3.0 beta? -

this list of dlls in castle activerecord 3.0 beta. know these do? ones required new project, , ones optional?

  • antlr3.runtime.dll
  • castle.activerecord.dll
  • castle.activerecord.web.dll
  • castle.components.validator.dll
  • castle.core.dll
  • iesi.collections.dll
  • log4net.dll
  • nhibernate.bytecode.castle.dll
  • nhibernate.dll
  • nhibernate.search.dll
  • remotion.data.linq.dll

  • antlr3.runtime.dll: used hql parsing in nhibernate
  • remotion.data.linq.dll: used base nhibernate linq implementation.
  • iesi.collections.dll implements iset always
  • log4net.dll: logging always
  • nhibernate.search.dll: integrates nhibernate lucene.net
  • castle.components.validator.dll: underlying validation implementation of activerecord
  • castle.core.dll: common stuff , dynamicproxy
  • castle.activerecord.web.dll: implements web session scopes. decoupled castle.activerecord.dll allow framework client profiles.
  • nhibernate.bytecode.castle.dll: nhibernate proxy implementation uses dynamicproxy.


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