jqgrid viewGridRow bug? -

i'm using tabletogrid feature, along viewgridrow feature. when viewgridrow method called, dialog displays correctly. when paging through records using pager buttons, or when close dialog , execute viewgridrow method on record, values columns names have space (" ") in them not updated. keep value placed there first viewgridrow execution. values columns names not have space updated should.

i've tried recreateform:true (although property of editgridrow method, , not viewgridrow method), , did not resolve issue. tried various, semi-random combinations of other settings.

below code. ideas?

tabletogrid("#mytable", height:'400',  ondblclickrow: function(rowid,irow,icol,e) {  jquery("#mytable").viewgridrow(rowid, {closeonescape:true});  } }); <table id="mytable"> <thead>  <tr class="header">  <th id="customerid">customerid</th>  <th id="account id">account id</th>  <th id="customer">customer</th>  <th id="system">system</th>  <th id="make/model">make/model</th>  <th id="modality">modality</th>  <th id="last login">last login</th>  <th id="attachments">attachments</th>  <th id="alerts">alerts</th>  <th id="last log entry">last log entry</th>  <th id="last level">last level</th>  <th id="he level threshold">he level threshold</th>  <th id="dbod threshold">dbod threshold</th>  <th id="he data latency">he data latency</th>  </tr>  </thead>  <tbody>  <tr>  <td>1</td>  <td>32222222</td>  <td>abc company</td>  <td>smith warehouse bay #1</td>  <td>make/model</td>  <td>mri</td>  <td>dec 20 2010 12:18pm frank smith</td>  <td>0</td>  <td>0</td>  <td></td>  <td></td>  <td>60</td>  <td>0.35</td>  <td></td>  </tr>  …  </tbody> </table> 

your error explicitly define ids <th> elements of <table> convert jqgrid. how can see source code of tabletogrid function (the interesting the lines 37-38, name , index column properties <th> elements if there exist. ids having blanks mot supported jqgrid because don't work in many of jquery selectors.

please read the reference describes restrictions in css identifiers. should follow restrictions.

so recommend remove id attributes <th> elements or choose values without blanks ids.


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