javascript - Adding an icon to content & handling its events -

i trying use code dont know exact class google search results replace "the_search_result_class". please me find out dom class google search results on google search page.

function somefunction() {     alert("the user clicked on icon.") }  var icon = document.createelement("img"); icon.src = chrome.extension.geturl("icon.png"); var searchresults = document.getelementsbyclassname("the_search_result_class") (var = 0; < searchresults.length; i++) {     var searchresulticon = icon.clonenode();     searchresulticon.addeventlistener("click", somefunction, false);     searchresults[i].append(searchresulticon); } 

to find out dynamic class name on page:

  1. open developer console (ctrl+shift+j)
  2. click on "elements" tab , on magnifying glass icon
  3. select element interested in on page , see html source below.


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