objective c - How do I pass arrays of values to SudzC-generated webservice classes? -

i have sudzc service class generated wsdl accepts arrayofint , arrayofstring objects parameters. service method signature this:

- (soaprequest*) search: (id <soapdelegate>) handler filters: (nsmutablearray*) displayedattributes: (nsmutablearray*) displayedattributes; 

my question is, how pass values parameters expect nsmutablearrays?

in above method signature, "displayedattributes" parameter expecting arrayofint object (which should populated several integers in int tag, e.g., <int>1</int><int>2</int><int>3</int> etc).

however none of these things i've tried have worked:

  • directly passing nsarray/nsmutablearray of (int) objects
  • directly passing nsarray/nsmutablearray of nsnumber objects
  • passing array of strings containing @"1", @"2", @"3" etc
  • passing array of strings contain @"<int>1</int>", @"<int>2</int>", etc
  • constructing cxmldocument out of string based on integers

i'm sure somehow explained in accompanying documentation in download -- it's not clear me @ moment.

@jon limjap: lucky are!!! asks type have dealt before, have custom class type sudzc generated me (!)... initializes when passed cxmlnode, (which need cxmldocument / cxmlelement).. have no idea how deal such type...

an instance is: filter class, have class of filter, there no way initialize it, (except alloc-init , setting properties, properties such custom type.. !!!!)...if know "trick" tell/configure sudzc allow pass objects or fetch objects of cocoa type, tell me....


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