jquery selectors - fetch links using the value -

in jquery, how can links value user% (ie) user23 & user 24 in example.

<tbody>  <tr>  <td class="box6b">  <a href="mytestpage.htm#79391606">79391606</a>  </td> <td class="box2b">  <a href="mytestpage.htm#79391606">user23</a> </td> </tr>  </tbody> <tbody>  <tr>  <td class="boxt7b">  <a href="mytestpage.htm#79391607">79391607</a>  </td> <td class="box2b">  <a href="mytestpage.htm#79391607">user24</a> </td> </tr>  </tbody> .. 

depending on trying do, this:



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