C# XmlSerializer ignores xs:attribute with types other than xs:string -

my problem seems odd , did not find other problem, guess simple , stupid mistake, can't seem find out.

i have xsd, generate class structure using xsd.exe. "fill" object values, when serializing xml ignores class-properties not of type string.

var mygraph = new graph(); mygraph.mystring = "hallo"; mygraph.myint = 80;  var serializer = new xmlserializer(typeof(graph)); textwriter writefilestream = new streamwriter(path.combine(outfolder, outfile)); serializer.serialize(writefilestream, mygraph); writefilestream.close(); 

i expected:

<graph xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/xmlschema-instance" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/xmlschema"       mystring="hallo"      myint="80" /> 

the actual output is:

<graph xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/xmlschema-instance" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/xmlschema"      mystring="hallo"  /> 

the attribute myint has been ignored. if define string, appear, other type not show up. if declare required , leave null, serialized myint="0".

what missing?

some details:


<xs:schema xmlns:xs="http://www.w3.org/2001/xmlschema">   <xs:element name="graph">     <xs:complextype>       <xs:attribute name="mystring" type="xs:string" />       <xs:attribute name="myint" type="xs:int" />     </xs:complextype>   </xs:element> </xs:schema> 

generated class:

[system.codedom.compiler.generatedcodeattribute("xsd", "2.0.50727.3038")] [system.serializableattribute()] [system.diagnostics.debuggerstepthroughattribute()] [system.componentmodel.designercategoryattribute("code")] [system.xml.serialization.xmltypeattribute(anonymoustype=false)] [system.xml.serialization.xmlrootattribute(namespace="", isnullable=false)] public partial class graph {     private string mystringfield;     private int myintfield;      [system.xml.serialization.xmlattributeattribute(form=system.xml.schema.xmlschemaform.qualified)]     public string mystring {         { return this.mystringfield; }         set { this.mystringfield = value; }     }      [system.xml.serialization.xmlattributeattribute(form=system.xml.schema.xmlschemaform.qualified)]     public int myint {         { return this.myintfield; }         set { this.myintfield = value; }     }      [system.xml.serialization.xmlignoreattribute()]     public bool myintspecified {         { return this.myintfieldspecified; }         set { this.myintfieldspecified = value; }     } 

xsd add additional "specified" field properties value types. when using .net serialization value types, need specify field's value , set matching "specified" property true.

change code , work expected:

var mygraph = new graph(); mygraph.mystring = "hallo"; mygraph.myint = 80; mygraph.myintspecified = true; 


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