image - Display ImageIcons in jTables -

i have tried using code below display imageicons in jtable. when run program jtable displays empty space. p1.getpicture(); comes database. basically, there way modify below code such there way display imageicon in picture???

package tables;  import javax.swing.imageicon; import javax.swing.jlabel; import javax.swing.table.abstracttablemodel;  import java.util.arraylist; import entity.*;  public class profiletable extends abstracttablemodel{     private static final long serialversionuid = 1l;     private int rowcount, colcount;     private string[] columnnames = {"clickid", "name", "gender", "website", "hobbies","favourite food", "dp"};     private object [][] data;     private imageicon [][] icons;      public profiletable(arraylist<profile> listofobjects) {         rowcount = listofobjects.size();         colcount = columnnames.length;         data = new object[rowcount][colcount];         //icons = new imageicon[rowcount][colcount];         (int = 0; < rowcount; i++) {            /*copy arraylist element instance of myobject*/             profile p1 = (profile)(listofobjects.get(i));              p1.retrieveprofile();             data[i][0] = p1.getclickid();                         data[i][1] = p1.getfirstname();             data[i][2] = p1.getgender();             data[i][3] = p1.getwebsite();             data[i][4] = p1.gethobbies();             data[i][5] = p1.getfood();             icons[i][6] = new imageicon(p1.getpicture());         }                   }      @override     public int getcolumncount() {         // todo auto-generated method stub         return colcount;     }     @override     public int getrowcount() {         // todo auto-generated method stub         return rowcount;     }     @override     public object getvalueat(int rowindex, int columnindex) {         // todo auto-generated method stub         return data[rowindex][columnindex];     }      public string getcolumnname(int col) {         return columnnames[col];     } } 

override getcolumnclass in tablemodel return imageicon 6th column:

@override public class getcolumnclass(int columnindex) {     if(columnindex == 6){         return imageicon.class;     }     return object.class; } 


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