couchdb - Problem listing documents in a CouchApp -

i in bit of trouble not able find resources and/or tutorials give me enough knowledge how properly:

i building couchapp uppon contact database. need have unordered list of contacts(only names) on landing page. after examining quite time , examining framework, think might have ask here @ stackoverflow how done properly...

here ended (not working):

i started setup view (file 'views/contactslist/map.js ):

function(doc) {   if (doc.displayname) {     emit(doc.displayname, {displayname: doc.displayname});   } }; 

... gives me response:

{"total_rows":606,"offset":0,"rows":[ {{"id":"478d86edbbd94bbe627f3ebda309db7c","key":"al yankovic","value":{"displayname":"al yankovic"}}, {"id":"478d86edbbd94bbe627f3ebda30bb5cb","key":"al-qaeda","value":{"displayname":"al-qaeda"}} ]} 

afterwards, created new directory in evently directory, 'contacts' , created files "mustache.html", "data.js" , "query.json":


<ul>   {{#contacts}}     <li>         <div class="name">           {{displayname}}         </div>       <div style="clear:left;"></div>     </li>   {{/contacts}} </ul> 


function(data) {   $.log(data)   var p;   return {contacts : data.rows}; }; 


{   "view" : "contactslist",   "descending" : "true" } 

then added , $("#contacts").evently("contacts", app); index.html in _attachments directory.

watching console in firebug can not see request/response couchdb returning vie's results, think not requested. did take wrong turn?

data.js, query.json , mustache.html need in evently/contacts/_init/

_init means gets executed on widget initialization.


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