c# - Mapping object to dictionary and vice versa -
are there elegant quick way map object dictionary , vice versa?
idictionary<string,object> = new dictionary<string,object>(); a["id"]=1; a["name"]="ahmad"; // .....
someclass b = new someclass(); b.id=1; b.name="ahmad"; // ..........
using reflection , generics in 2 methods extensions can achieve that.
right, others did same solution, uses less reflection more performance-wise , way more readable:
public static class objectextensions { public static t toobject<t>(this idictionary<string, object> source) t : class, new() { t someobject = new t(); type someobjecttype = someobject.gettype(); foreach (keyvaluepair<string, object> item in source) { someobjecttype.getproperty(item.key).setvalue(someobject, item.value, null); } return someobject; } public static idictionary<string, object> asdictionary(this object source, bindingflags bindingattr = bindingflags.declaredonly | bindingflags.public | bindingflags.instance) { return source.gettype().getproperties(bindingattr).todictionary ( propinfo => propinfo.name, propinfo => propinfo.getvalue(source, null) ); } } class { public string prop1 { get; set; } public int prop2 { get; set; } } class program { static void main(string[] args) { dictionary<string, object> dictionary = new dictionary<string, object>(); dictionary.add("prop1", "hello world!"); dictionary.add("prop2", 3893); someobject = dictionary.toobject<a>(); idictionary<string, object> objectbacktodictionary = someobject.asdictionary(); } }
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