How do I write arrays in pascal? -

is program correctly written array?

program malaria_outbreak (input,output);  var    bc:real;    lo:real;    count:integer;    num:integer;    bloodtest:integer;    registration:integer;    clinic:string;    doctorfee:integer;    total:integer;    nmb_payable:real;    company:string;    name:string;    patient:array[1..10] of string  begin    clrscr;    bc:=(0.8);    lo:=(0.7);    count:=(0);    num:=(0);    bloodtest:=(num * 700);    registration:=(500);    writeln('please enter name of patient');    readln(name);    while (name <> 'end')do      begin        count:= 1 10          begin            writeln('please enter clinic patient attends');            readln(clinic);            if (clinic = 'type 1')              begin                doctorfee:=(800);              end;            if (clinic = 'type 2')              begin                doctorfee:=(1200);              end;            writeln('the doctor fee patient $',doctorfee);            writeln('please enter number of blood tests patient has had');            readln(num);            bloodtest:=(num * bloodtest);            writeln('the blood test patient $',bloodtest);            tmb:=(registration + doctorfee + bloodtest);            writeln('the total medical bill patient $',tmb);            writeln('please enter insurance company clinic affiliated with');            readln(company);            if (company = 'blue cross')              begin                nmb_payable:=(bc * tmb);              end;            if (company = 'loj')              begin                nmb_payable:=(lo * tmb);              end;            writeln('the net medical bill patient $',nmb_payable);        end;    readln;    readln; end 

looks good, might want include ; after datatype (string)

patient : array[1..10] of string; 


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