C++ template problem -

i implement base class attributes of size know @ compile-time. idea use template base class. following code compiles , runs fine under vc++9.0.

class definition in .h file

template<int n> class baseclass { int* idx;  int* incr;  int* limit;   public: baseclass(void); ~baseclass(void);  void loopmethod(void); 


implementation of class methods in .cpp file

#include "baseclass.h" #include<iostream>  using namespace std;   // instantiation  template class baseclass<2>;   template<int n> baseclass<n>::baseclass(void) { idx = new int [n]; incr= new int [n]; limit = new int[n];  for(int m = 0; m < n; m++) {     idx[m] = 0;     incr[m] = 1;     limit[m] = 2; }  }  template<int n> baseclass<n>::~baseclass(void) { }   template<int n> void baseclass<n>::loopmethod( ) {    for( idx[n-1]; idx[n-1] < limit[n-1]; idx[n-1] += incr[n-1] ) {     cout << "loopmethod nr " << n-1 << " called." << endl; } 


implementation of main-function:

#include<cstdlib> #include "baseclass.h"  using namespace std;   int main() { baseclass<2> baseobj;  baseobj.loopmethod();   system("pause"); return 0;  } 

now want nest for-loops loopmethod times size of class attributes. i.e. compiler should generate code write hand

 template<int n> void baseclass<n>::loopmethod( )  { for( idx[0]; idx[0] < limit[0]; idx[0] += incr[0] ) {        for( idx[1]; idx[1] < limit[1]; idx[1] += incr[1] )     {         cout << "loopmethod nr " << 1 << " called." << endl;     }      cout << "loopmethod nr " << 0 << " called." << endl;  }  } 

anyway, can prompt compiler this, if not declare baseclass template class. code like:

 class baseclass  {   int* idx;  int* incr;  int* limit;   public: baseclass(void); ~baseclass(void);  template<int m> void loopmethod(void);    }; 

implementation of class methods in .cpp file

#include "baseclass.h" #include<iostream>  using namespace std;  template void baseclass::loopmethod<1>();             baseclass::baseclass(void) { idx = new int [2]; incr= new int [2]; limit = new int[2];  for(int m = 0; m < 2; m++) {     idx[m] = 0;     incr[m] = 1;     limit[m] = 2; }  }  baseclass::~baseclass(void) { }  template<int m> void baseclass::loopmethod( ) { for( idx[m]; idx[m] < limit[m]; idx[m] += incr[m] ) {     cout << "loopmethod nr " << m-1 << " called." << endl;     loopmethod<m-1>();  } }  template<> void baseclass::loopmethod<0>(void) { idx[0] = 0;  for( idx[0]; idx[0] < limit[0]; idx[0] += incr[0] ) {     //     cout << "now inner loop executed" << endl;  }   } 

implementation of main-function:

#include<cstdlib> #include "baseclass.h"  using namespace std;   int main() { baseclass baseobj;  baseobj.loopmethod<1>();   system("pause"); return 0;  } 

but solution searching have template class template method “loopmethod” owing own template parameter tells compiler how many times nest for-loop. have tried various possibilities without success. have suggestion or know solution template problem?

thanks in advance help,


there lot of issues template:

  • what purpose of whole thing?
  • why initialising pointers new? know size @ compile time why not make them arrays?
  • you not deleting memory allocating
  • exception safety if new fails 1 of later arrays
  • implementation should in header file unless used few values of n instantiate
  • better use classes exist kind of thing, eg boost::array
  • refactor out various sections of it.


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