solr - Nutch querying on the fly -

i newbie nutch , solr. relatively newer solr nutch :)

i have been using nutch past 2 weeks, , wanted know if can query or search on nutch crawls on fly(before completes). asking because websites crawling huge , takes around 3-4 days crawl complete. want analyze quick results while nutch crawler still crawling urls. 1 suggested me solr make possible.

i followed steps in this. see injected urls shown in solr search. know did foolish , crawl never happened, feel missing information here. did steps mentioned in link. think somewhere in process there should crawling happening , missed.

just wanted see if 1 me pointing out , went wrong in process. forgive foolishness , patience.

cheers, abi

this not possible. though chunk crawl cycle in smaller number of url's such publish result more whith command
nutch generate crawl/crawldb crawl/segments -topn <the limit>
if using onestop command crawl should same.

i typically have 24hours chunking scheme.


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