regfreecom - Reg-free COM - location of COM dll relative to client exe -

i want use reg-free com don't have register legacy com component. however, able put com dll in location not in or below directory of client exe, e.g. ....\lib. i'm not able in server manifest file doesn't allow relative or absolute paths.

does know if there way round this?

update: found relative paths work on xp. however, can use absolute paths on windows server 2008 using activation context api that's cool. problem com component has static dependency on managed database driver it's not finding it. i've read manifest files hoped add element com reg-free manifest pointing @ dll in same directory com dll can't work. so, in summary, have exe in 1 directory uses activation context api reference com manifest/dll in directory (that not subdirectory of exe directory) finds , loads correctly. have managed database driver dll in same directory com dll , want know how can load using manifest files - if it's possible.

i've achieved running exe parent directory current directory. i.e folder structure

  • parentdir/
  • parentdir/myapp/
  • parentdir/somedependency/

then "parentdir" current directory, can run exe ".\myapp\myapp.exe" , myapp.exe.manifest can contain reference in "somedependency" as

<file name=".\somedependency\somecomassembly.dll" /> 

this works on windows server


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