Does the book "JSF 2.0, the complete reference" by Ed Burns draw a good comparison between 1.2 and 2.0? -

i'm analyse , present improvements of jsf 2.0 (in comparison jsf 1.2). i'm looking book that.

my first guess reference ed burns, readers' reviews start unsettle me:

will book helpful task? i'm familiar jsf 1.2, pure update backed additional information great.

additionally found german book, in contrast has better reviews: of german readers recommend it?

tia, peter

i own both books , have read 1.2 version more once (since used create , correct exams students based on book).

i got 2.0 version while back. if want book focusses on differences between 1.2 , 2.0, might not best book although in fairness ed burns make attempt.

in introduction there's 3 page overview of things new in jsf 2.0 , throughout book there various sections labeled "jsf 2.0 tip" makes clear new jsf 2.0.

in comparison, own bill burke's book ejb: enterprise javabeans 3.0, of bought latest version enterprise javabeans 3.1. in book there no reference @ things new in ejb 3.1. jsf 2.0 complete reference absolutely better here.

to sum up, want book 'average'. not super good, not super bad.

(for learning jsf in general think book though, there should have been version people familiar jsf 1.2)


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