c++ - Write CSV file into vectors -

i have 8x14800 matrix has been extracted matlab csv file ("moves.mo"). need read file 14800 vectors 8 values each. can please navigate me here?

so far, here:

std::fstream inputfile; inputfile.open("moves.mo"); std::vector< std::vector<int>* >  vectorsmoveslist;   while (!inputfile.eof()) {     std::string line;                  getline (inputfile,line);     if(""!=line) {        //if line nonempty         std::vector<int>* mvec = new std::vector<int>(); //allocate vector vec(n)  /* loop read file has go here */                 } inputfile.close();  }  return 0; } 

thank very much!!!!

see split string in c++?


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