objective c - How to send mail from iphone app? -

i try send mail app. want type(dynamically) recipient id,ccid,sub , message.



on ios 3+ import #import in view controller header.


-(void)showmailpanel {     mfmailcomposeviewcontroller *mailcomposeviewcontroller = [[mfmailcomposeviewcontroller alloc] init];          // on ios < 3     //if ([mfmailcomposeviewcontroller cansendmail] == no)     //  [self launchmailapp]; // need       mailcomposeviewcontroller.mailcomposedelegate = self;     [mailcomposeviewcontroller settorecipients:[nsarray arraywithobjects:@"email address1",@"email address 2",nil]];     [mailcomposeviewcontroller setsubject:@"your subject"];     [mailcomposeviewcontroller setmessagebody:@"your body" ishtml:yes];     mailcomposeviewcontroller.delegate = self;     [self.navigationcontroller presentmodalviewcontroller:mailcomposeviewcontroller animated:yes];      [mailcomposeviewcontroller release];  }   - (void)mailcomposecontroller:(mfmailcomposeviewcontroller*)controller didfinishwithresult:(mfmailcomposeresult)result error:(nserror*)error  {        // notifies users errors associated interface     switch (result)     {         case mfmailcomposeresultcancelled:             nslog(@"result: canceled");             break;         case mfmailcomposeresultsaved:             nslog(@"result: saved");             break;         case mfmailcomposeresultsent:             nslog(@"result: sent");             break;         case mfmailcomposeresultfailed:             nslog(@"result: failed");             break;         default:             nslog(@"result: not sent");             break;     }     [controller dismissmodalviewcontrolleranimated:yes]; }  -(void)launchmailapp { {     nsstring *recipients = @"dest_email";     nsstring *email = [nsstring stringwithformat:@"%@%@", recipients, subject];     email = [email stringbyaddingpercentescapesusingencoding:nsutf8stringencoding];      [[uiapplication sharedapplication] openurl:[nsurl urlwithstring:email]]; } 


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