.net - how to read csdl,ssdl,msl in run time and how to Upgrade Tables from edmx file -

how read csdl,ssdl,msl in run time. , if change schema how upgrade tables i.e. if have edmx(in 1 table lets employee etc.) database wizard generate script of create employee. if modify edmx , add 1 table(like account etc.) , alter employee table(i.e remove coloum).what edmx generate alter , create script.

default database script generation can create script new database. fortunatelly feature can modified. database script generation handled workflow or t4 template. can build own , define logic demand.

visual studio extension manager offers entity designer database generation power pack provides several new workflows , t4 templates db generation including "generate migration tsql , deploy" workflow. worklfow should use vs 2010 premium (and ultimate) db features compare current db newly generated script, create diff script , deploy it. not use these automatic features. generate diff script manually (with of vs or redgate tools).


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