gwt - How to reload data rows in GXT grid? -

assuming data retrieves datastore using rpcproxy, populate grid using liststore upon opening page.

then, there's form add entity , after modification reflect new list in gxt grid new added row.

how can reload grid? tried .reconfigure() method in grid didn't work.



first of must extract grid before proxy, , second thing change rpc callback:

       public class pagingbeanmodelgridexample extends layoutcontainer {        //put grid class outside method or declare final on begin of method     grid grid = null;      protected void onrender(element parent, int index) {         super.onrender(parent, index);          rpcproxy> proxy = new rpcproxy>() {              @override             public void load(object loadconfig, final asynccallback> callback) {                 //modification here - callback overriden not passed through!!                 service.getbeanposts((pagingloadconfig) loadconfig, new asynccallback>() {                      public void onfailure(throwable caught) {                         callback.onfailure(caught);                     }                      public void onsuccess(pagingloadresult result) {                         callback.onsuccess(result);                         //here reloading store                         grid.getstore().getloader().load();                     }                 });             }         };          // loader           final basepagingloader> loader = new basepagingloader>(proxy, new beanmodelreader());          liststore store = new liststore(loader);         list columns = new arraylist();         //...           columnmodel cm = new columnmodel(columns);          grid = new grid(store, cm);         add(grid);      } } 


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