c# - WPF ComamndBinding Help on MenuItem -

new wpf...was reading wpf routed command bindings per-tab , close getting working.

the menuitem disabled until ruletab (tabitem) selected rather pop find dialog shows system.windows.input.commandbinding on menu. doing wrong?


<menuitem header="_find..." isenabled="{binding elementname=ruletab, path=isselected}" >                     <commandbinding command="find" executed="executefind" canexecute="find_canexecute" ></commandbinding>                 </menuitem> 


       private void executefind(object sender, executedroutedeventargs e)     {         // initiate finddialog         finddialog dlg = new finddialog(this.ruletext);          // configure dialog box         dlg.owner = this;         dlg.textfound += new textfoundeventhandler(dlg_textfound);          // open dialog box modally         dlg.show();     }      void dlg_textfound(object sender, eventargs e)     {         // find dialog box raised event         finddialog dlg = (finddialog)sender;          // find results , select found text         this.ruletext.select(dlg.index, dlg.length);         this.ruletext.focus();     }      private void find_canexecute(object sender, canexecuteroutedeventargs e)     {         e.canexecute = ruletab.isselected;     } 

any suggestions appreciated!

figured out! responded. had move commandbinding to:

<window.commandbindings> <commandbinding command="find" executed="executefind" canexecute="find_canexecute" ></commandbinding> </window.commandbindings> 

then reference command=find in menuitem.

you'll find need add commandbinding tabitem (as per linked sample). bind menuitem should use command property, possibly along commandparameter , commandtarget (pointing @ tabitem expect).

for example, have menuitem in contextmenu , want command fire on context (placement target) of contextmenu:

<menuitem header="view"            tooltip="open member central view member"           command="{x:static local:commands.customerviewed}"            commandparameter="{binding path=placementtarget.datacontext, relativesource={relativesource findancestor, ancestortype={x:type contextmenu}}}"            commandtarget="{binding path=placementtarget, relativesource={relativesource findancestor, ancestortype={x:type contextmenu}}}" /> 


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