How to show a wait screen in VBA Excel 2010 -

i have macros running on workbooks , status screen shows progress user not have stare @ blank screen or loading screen of excel. or though. status page works, update macros run, excel not show of until after macros finish running. how show status screen?

status = "sheetname"  private sub workbook_open()     'make sure screen active     sheets(status).activate     sheets(status).select end sub 

if purpose of status screen give feedback while macros running, quick , easy alternative use status bar. here's sample:

sub yourmacro()     dim statusold boolean, calcold xlcalculation      ' capture initial settings     statusold = application.displaystatusbar      '      doing these speed code     calcold = application.calculation     application.calculation = xlcalculationmanual     application.screenupdating = false     application.enableevents = false      on error goto eh      ' code...      ' every while code running     application.statusbar = "something useful..."       ' after code done cleanup:     ' put things     application.statusbar = false     application.calculation = calcold     application.displaystatusbar = statusold     application.screenupdating = true     application.enableevents = true exit sub eh:      ' error handler...      goto cleanup end sub 


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