mvc - How to redirect HTTP to HTTPS in MVC application (IIS7.5) -

i need redirect http site https, have added below rule getting 403 error when tried using, works fine when type in browser.

<system.webserver>     <rewrite>         <rules>             <rule name="http https redirect" stopprocessing="true">                 <match url="(.*)" />                 <conditions>                     <add input="{https}" pattern="off" ignorecase="true" />                 </conditions>                 <action type="redirect" redirecttype="found" url="https://{http_host}/{r:1}" />             </rule>         </rules>     </rewrite> </system.webserver> 

you can in code:


protected void application_beginrequest(){     if (!context.request.issecureconnection)         response.redirect(context.request.url.tostring().replace("http:", "https:")); } 

or add same code action filter:

public class sslfilter : actionfilterattribute {      public override void onactionexecuting(actionexecutingcontext filtercontext){         if (!filtercontext.httpcontext.request.issecureconnection){             var url = filtercontext.httpcontext.request.url.tostring().replace("http:", "https:");             filtercontext.result = new redirectresult(url);         }     } } 


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