- Does anyone know a workaround for the Windows Azure WebResource.axd timezone bug? -

i'm having real hard time seems rather old bug (pre-2009) in windows azure platform. in short, after deploying azure http 404 responses javascript resources loaded via webresource.axd. big deal since breaks of ajax functionality on website. interesting part things normal 2 hours after deployment , 404-ing resources start loading normally. , event more interesting part 404 errors don't occur after each deployment.

after lot of googling around found similar case on azure forums. yi-lun luo's last post makes me think problem in case related bug describes. maybe i'm wrong, there seems connection between 2 hours takes 404 errors cease , fact timezone utc +2.

please, if has had similar problem or has idea workaround, let me know. grateful!

we have run before on project. it's not azure problem @ all, rather bug in how webresource.axd loading assemblies (roughly speaking). problem related timezone. if binaries building , deploying in timezone "ahead" of timezone running code in run problem seeing. ran issue when dealing control telerik. reached out telerik , had suggestions on thier site.

basically, need "touch" assemblies build last modified date time prior current time in utc. link uses syntax (note commas important):

copy /b <path assembly built in future>+,,

the build server in eastern time zone , production servers in central time zone. copy binaries production box , perform command above on them. mimick in azure startup task , should trick.


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