sitecore6 - Change template on a cloned item in Sitecore 6.4 - does clone lose its inheritance? -

if create cloned item in sitecore 6.4, change template slighty edited copy of original item's template, inheritance parent of clone broken?


basetemplate       |               | itemtemplate -> itemtemplate2  item1 (from itemtemplate) | item1 clone (change template itemtemplate2) 

will clone still clone (recieving values parent), or become fledged item?

ref: sitecore cms 6.4: cloning

when change data template clone or cloned item, fields same ids maintain values, fields different ids lose values, if have same names.

considering clone not fledged item (because there option unclone item, in turn does create fledged item clone), changing template not "break" clone construction.


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