linker - Linking Objective-C project on Windows -

i have compiled 2 classes (etudiant.m) , (main.m) , obtain successufully 2 .o files (etudiant.o) , (main.o). when linking command :

gcc -c -o prog -wno-import etudiant.o main.o -lobjc 

i got :

gcc.exe : etudiant.o : linker input file unused because linking not done  gcc.exe : main.o : linker input file unused because linking not done 

can me find out how solve linking issues ?? thx in advance.

don't use -c. tells gcc frontend not perform linking. so, instead of

 gcc -c -o prog -wno-import etudiant.o main.o -lobjc 


 gcc -o prog -wno-import etudiant.o main.o -lobjc 


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