javascript - Web page Optimization -

i'm creating new dinamic site test , learn web optimization... site index

for html,css,js (exept jquery-min linked google server) files i've created php file concatenate more files, remove unused spaces, , compress using gzip: compressed css - compressed js

if(extension_loaded('zlib')){ob_start('ob_gzhandler'); /*...php code read files , remove comments/spaces*/ if(extension_loaded('zlib')){ob_end_flush();} 

for main images, collapsed every image one

for facebook button, replace iframe after page load using jquery, i'd same adbrite advertises don't know how.. if try replace, or inject code html after loading, page disapper , remain adv...

someone help?

can tell me if i'm doing (for optimization) , can improve


it's start, shouldn't compress dynamically. costly , end slower delivering content uncompressed.

use gzip/deflate , compress javascript files minifier yui, google's closure compiler or uglifyjs name few. serve files statical.

a nice tool automate of above processes (and way more..) apache ant.

a nice library serve content dynamically on 1 stream supplyjs.


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