java - Move/Copy XMLBean object to another Bean -

<xml-fragment> <currentclinicalnote>     <patientfamilyhistory disordername="currentcn" id="23423"/>     <patientfamilyhistory disordername="currentcn1" id="23424"/>     <patientfamilyhistory disordername="currentcn1" id="23424"/>   </currentclinicalnote> </xml-fragment> 

i have xmlbean above, want replace node[@id=23423] new same type node. how can that?

below sample code tried work..

xmlcursor xmlcursor = cursor.execquery(namespace + pathexpression1);

i found node above code, have node in cursor, how replace another?

any replies appreciated.

dom3 not yet implemented in xml beans,so need work dom nodes directly fetch finding first child in cursor.


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