java - HashMap for enum as key -

i had posted similar question before also. got clarification doubts well. still need more. hashmap initialized enum object key , threadpool instance value. confused of how initialize hashmap every object been called other process make clear : program, initializes hashmap progran requests thread hashmap passing threadpoolname (enum). getting "no thread available hashmap" message. please me.
below given code:

 public class mythreadpoolexcecutorpgm {      enum threadpoolname {         dr, br, sv, miscelleneous;     }      private static string threadname;     private static hashmap<threadpoolname, threadpoolexecutor>         threadpoolexecutorhash;      public mythreadpoolexcecutorpgm(string p_threadname) {         threadname = p_threadname;     }      public static void fillthreadpoolexecutorhash() {         int poolsize = 3;         int maxpoolsize = 3;         long keepalivetime = 10;         threadpoolexecutor tp = null;         threadpoolexecutorhash = new hashmap<threadpoolname, threadpoolexecutor>();         (threadpoolname poolname : threadpoolname.) // failing implement         {             tp = new threadpoolexecutor(poolsize, maxpoolsize, keepalivetime,                     timeunit.seconds, new arrayblockingqueue<runnable>(5));             threadpoolexecutorhash.put(poolname, tp);         }     }      public static threadpoolexecutor getthreadpoolexcecutor(             threadpoolname poolname) {         threadpoolexecutor thread = null;         if (threadpoolexecutorhash != null && poolname != null) {             thread = threadpoolexecutorhash.get(poolname);         } else {             system.out.println("no thread available hashmap");         }         return thread;     } }

public class additionhandler{      public void handle() {         addprocess setobj = new addprocess(5, 20);         threadpoolexecutor tpe = null;         threadpoolname poolname =threadpoolname.dr; //i using enum             tpe = mythreadpoolexcecutorpgm.getthreadpoolexcecutor(poolname);         tpe.execute(setobj);     }      public static void main(string[] args) {         additionhandler obj = new additionhandler();         obj.handle();     } } 

i suspect you're looking static values() method added every enum:

for (threadpoolname poolname : threadpoolname.getvalues()) 

alternatively, can use enumset.allof():

for (threadpoolname poolname : enumset.allof(threadpoolname.class)) 

(as bozho says, enummap alternative here. still need loop through enum values.)


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