How to clear current fill style on Flex Graphics object -

i'm rendering quite complex output on flex graphics object , can't reset fill style once i've used it.

for example:

var g:graphics =;  g.linestyle( 3, 0xff000, 1 );  g.moveto( 10, 10 ); g.lineto( 20, 20  ); g.lineto( 10, 20 );                                   g.beginfill( 0x00ff00 ); g.moveto( 110, 10 ); g.lineto( 120, 20  ); g.lineto( 110, 20 );                                     g.endfill();  g.moveto( 210, 10 ); g.lineto( 220, 20  ); g.lineto( 210, 20 );                                     

first draws red line, green triangle red outline expected.

but last line drawn still has green fill style applied though have called endfill().

i can't seem find way disable current fill style once i've called beginfill().

this flex builder 3.0 3.0.0 sdk.


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