collections - How do I declaratively create a list in Scala? -

in c# can declare list declaratively, in other words declare structure , initialise @ same time follows:

var users = new list<user>             {                 new user {name = "tom", age = 12},                  new user {name = "bill", age = 23}             }; 

ignoring differences between list in .net , list in scala (ie, feel free use different collection type), possible similar in scala 2.8?


adapting thomas' code below believe nearest equivalent c# code shown:

class user(var name: string = "", var age: int = 0)  val users = list(   new user(name = "tom", age = 12),    new user(name = "bill", age = 23)) 

what about:

case class user(name: string, age: int)  val users = list(user("tom", 12), user("bill", 23)) 

which give you:

users: list[user] = list(user(tom,12), user(bill,23)) 


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