c# - Troubles with Insert / Update Methods of DataSet provider for DataGrid -

i've used wizard assert datagrid mssql table using dataset provider / binding

dataset model got table select / insert / update methods looking don't appear or don't work. can add / update data datagrid no changes in mssql appears.

so here code generated wizards designers :

this.alarmview.datasource = this.alarmdictionarybindingsource;

        //          // alarmdictionarybindingsource         //          this.alarmdictionarybindingsource.datamember = "alarmdictionary";         this.alarmdictionarybindingsource.datasource = this.friibdataset;         //          // friibdataset         //          this.friibdataset.datasetname = "friibdataset";         this.friibdataset.schemaserializationmode = system.data.schemaserializationmode.includeschema;          //          // datagridviewtextboxcolumn1         //          this.datagridviewtextboxcolumn1.datapropertyname = "id";         this.datagridviewtextboxcolumn1.headertext = "id";         this.datagridviewtextboxcolumn1.name = "datagridviewtextboxcolumn1";         //          // datagridviewtextboxcolumn2         //          this.datagridviewtextboxcolumn2.datapropertyname = "message";         this.datagridviewtextboxcolumn2.headertext = "message";         this.datagridviewtextboxcolumn2.maxinputlength = 255;         this.datagridviewtextboxcolumn2.name = "datagridviewtextboxcolumn2";         this.datagridviewtextboxcolumn2.width = 255; 

table adapter wizard said it's generated methods : insert , update etc ... still can't submit changes mssql ... else need ?

that easy question can't understand why simple things don't work simply... share necessary information fix mess.

i added update method table manually because wizard lied me not created , code :

    private void alarmview_cellendedit(object sender, datagridviewcelleventargs e)     {         alarmdictionarytableadapter.update(friibdataset.alarmdictionary);     } 

works , if need add new or delete , must process alike ?

i hope there more easy way make it.

try commiting changes have made using acceptchanges method of dataset.

here link


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