xml - Change Sequence to Choice -

in schema file defined group sequence of possible elements.

<group name="argumentgroup">     <sequence>         <element name="foo" type="double" />         <element name="bar" type="string" />         <element name="baz" type="integer" />     </sequence>  </group> 

i reference group this:

<element name="arguments">     <complextype>         <group ref="my:argumentgroup"/>     </complextype> </element> 

is possible reference group @ other point restrict it's choice instead of sequence. position want reuse allow 1 of elements within.

<element name="argument" minoccurs="0" maxoccurs="1">     <complextype>         <group name="my:argumentgroup">             <! -- somehow change argumentgroup sequence choice here -->         </group>     <complextype> </element> 

no, need define different group.


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