c++ - Linking problem with wrapper for CLucene -

i'm doing small wrapper clucene.


#ifndef _ofxclucene_ #define _ofxclucene_  #include "ofmain.h" #include "ofxxmlsettings.h" #include "ofxdirlist.h" #include "clucene.h"  using namespace lucene; using namespace lucene::analysis; using namespace lucene::analysis::standard; using namespace lucene::index; using namespace lucene::document; using namespace lucene::queryparser; using namespace lucene::search; using namespace lucene::store;   class ofxclucene { private:   string name;   simpleanalyzer *sanalyzer;    directory *dir;   indexwriter *writer;   indexreader *reader;  public:   ofxclucene(string name);   ~ofxclucene();    void adddocumentsfromdirectory(string pathtodir);   void adddocumentxml(ofxxmlsettings *docxml);    void indexreader();   void closeindex();    hits* search(string query);   };  #endif 


#include "ofxclucene.h"  //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ofxclucene::ofxclucene(string name) {   this->name = name;   sanalyzer = new simpleanalyzer(); }  ... 

i have no problem compile when put on project , create new object got errors:

 "vtable lucene::analysis::analyzer", referenced from:         __ztvn6lucene8analysis8analyzere$non_lazy_ptr in ofxclucene.o        (maybe meant: __ztvn6lucene8analysis8analyzere$non_lazy_ptr)     "vtable lucene::analysis::simpleanalyzer", referenced from:         __ztvn6lucene8analysis14simpleanalyzere$non_lazy_ptr in ofxclucene.o        (maybe meant: __ztvn6lucene8analysis14simpleanalyzere$non_lazy_ptr)   ld: symbol(s) not found   collect2: ld returned 1 exit status 

the source code both is:

class analyzer:lucene_base{ public:      virtual tokenstream* tokenstream(const tchar* fieldname, cl_ns(util)::reader* reader)=0;      virtual ~analyzer(){     }      virtual int32_t getpositionincrementgap(const tchar* fieldname); };    class simpleanalyzer: public analyzer { public:     tokenstream* tokenstream(const tchar* fieldname, cl_ns(util)::reader* reader);     ~simpleanalyzer(){} }; 

i thought namespace issue , try calling

analyzer::simpleanalyzer *sanalyzer = new analyzer::simpleanalyzer(); 

but problem remain.

suggestions? thank you

this on mac, i'm guessing? i'm not familiar compiling on mac.

can tell how you're compiling (i.e. compile flags, etc). , perhaps add example compilable).

also, can compile code using environment?

#include "clucene.h" int main(){    lucene::analysis::simpleanalyzer *sanalyzer = new lucene::analysis::simpleanalyzer(); } 

i compiled above code following command no problems. (-fpic because i'm on 64 bit machine).

g++ test.cpp -lclucene -i/usr/lib -fpic


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