iphone - Program received signal: "EXC_BAD_ACCESS" while adding subview to main view -

i adding 2 labels , 2 image view subview.

when ever tap on button add subview mainview.

i getting images web server , save in local simulator documents.

nsmutablestring *about_name_str = [[nsmutablestring alloc]init];     [about_name_str appendstring:[mydictionary objectforkey:@"firstname"]];     [about_name_str appendstring:@" "];     [about_name_str appendstring:[mydictionary objectforkey:@"lastname"]];     [about_name_label settext:about_name_str];      nsmutablestring *about_addr_str = [[nsmutablestring alloc]init];     [about_addr_str appendstring:[mydictionary objectforkey:@"state"]];     [about_addr_str appendstring:@","];     [about_addr_str appendstring:[mydictionary objectforkey:@"country"]];     [about_addr_label settext:about_addr_str];     about_image.image = [uiimage imagewithcontentsoffile:imagepath];     about_logo.image = [uiimage imagewithcontentsoffile:logopath];     if ([mydictionary objectforkey:@"companyurl"]) {         [about_url_button settitle:[mydictionary objectforkey:@"companyurl"] forstate:uicontrolstatenormal];         about_url_button.userinteractionenabled = yes;     }     else {         about_url_button.userinteractionenabled = no;     }             [self.view addsubview:about_view]; 

this code.

some times got program received signal: "exc_bad_access". , application quits.

i check placing break points,and in debugger did n't getting error.

can 1 please me,how can resolve this.

thank u in advance.

try use nszombie.. easy way find excbadaccess occurs... specify method , object gets deallocated(its pretty awesome concept in instruments)...

see link http://www.markj.net/iphone-memory-debug-nszombie/


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