iphone - CGPoints and UIViews -

is possible place cgpoint inside of uiview subview when rotate uiview, cgpoint rotates it.

a cgpoint logical construct, not graphical. said, following produce point rotated around (called point). may not apply directly, should give direction. key cgaffinetransform.

cgaffinetransform translatetransform = cgaffinetransformmaketransation(point.x, point.y); cgaffinetransform rotatetransform = cgaffinetransformmakerotation(angle); cgaffinetransform customtransform = cgaffinetransformconcat(cgaffinetransformconcat( cgaffinetransforminvert(translatetransform), rotatetransform), translatetransform); newpoint = cgpointapplyaffinetransform(initialpoint, customtransform); 


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