groovy - web.xml changes to enable development mode in Groovlet -

i using cruise control jetty container deploy groovlet application. appears if change groovy files in webapp directory jetty not recompile source , changes aren't reflected in webapp. how can modify web.xml file check updates on every load? i'm using simple web.xml:

<web-app>   <servlet>     <servlet-name>groovyservlet</servlet-name>     <servlet-class>groovy.servlet.groovyservlet</servlet-class>   </servlet>   <servlet-mapping>     <servlet-name>groovyservlet</servlet-name>     <url-pattern>*.groovy</url-pattern>   </servlet-mapping>   <welcome-file-list>     <welcome-file>myapp.groovy</welcome-file>   </welcome-file-list> </web-app> 

groovyscriptengine checks last-modification date of source file. if newer last cache entry, recompile done.


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