Android ListView filter fail with NPE -

in app have listview, adapter it, , filter adapter. filter:

private filter namefilter = new filter() {      @override     protected void publishresults(charsequence constraint, filterresults results) {         list<contact> resultcontacts = (list<contact>) results.values;         filteredcontacts = resultcontacts;         notifydatasetchanged();     }      @override     protected filterresults performfiltering(charsequence constraint) {         list<contact> filteredcontacts = new arraylist<contact>();         for(contact c : rawcontacts){             if(!c.getname().tolowercase().contains(constraint.tostring().tolowercase())){                 continue;             }             filteredcontacts.add(c);         }          filterresults filterresults = new filterresults();         filterresults.values = filteredcontacts;         return filterresults;     } }; 

do understand correctly publishresults invoked after performfiltering done job? job veeeery hard , long? have situation when publishresults runs , of course field "filteredcontacts" of adapter sets null.

i tried make easier job of performfiltering (by removing cycle , write "filteredcontacts.add(new contact())") , works fine.

and code worked fine few days... confused. can explain going on?) in advance!

ok guys! got it! performfiltering(...) runs in worker thread , when

if(!c.getname().tolowercase().contains(constraint.tostring().tolowercase())){             continue; } 

fails nullpointerexception on c.getname().tolowercase() (because getname() returns null), it's thread fails too, seems sdk somewhere cathes exception , thread die.

also, publishresults can invoked @ time ui thread null checking required:

@override protected void publishresults(charsequence constraint, filterresults results) {     if(results.values != null) {        list<contact> resultcontacts = (list<contact>) results.values;        filteredcontacts = resultcontacts;        notifydatasetchanged();     } } 


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