jsf - How to call a dialog box from a javascript function -

i'm using primefaces create web service , ran snag while trying show() dialog box using javascript function instead of onclick="__.show();" command.

what is:

function displaypopup(){  statusdialog.show();  } 

and if like

a href=”#” onclick=”statusdialog.show()” 

then works fine (but not work flow require).

this primefaces code:

<p:dialog modal="true" widgetvar="statusdialog" header="your request in progress..." draggable="false" closable="false" resizable="false">     <img alt="banner right" src="#/images/ajaxloadingbar.gif" border="0"/> </p:dialog> 

this generated code:

jquery(function() {statusdialog = new primefaces.widget.dialog('j_idt41',{autoopen:false,minheight:0,draggable: false,modal: true,resizable:false,closable:false});}); 

i haven't seen show() before, can generate alert alert() function, or alert "yes" , "no" buttons using confirm() function, int confirm(string text).

it sounds want call alert("your request in progress..."). don't think can show images in basic alert, 5 seconds on google gave me site:


which seems solve problem.


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