http - Web Browser Parallel Downloads vs Pipelining -

i knew web browsers parallel downloads. other day heard pipelining. thought pipelining name parallel downloads, found out firefox has pipelining disabled default. difference between these things , how work together?

i think this mdc article explains http pipelining pretty darn well.

what http pipelining?

normally, http requests issued sequentially, next request being issued after response current request has been received. depending on network latencies , bandwidth limitations, can result in significant delay before next request seen server.

http/1.1 allows multiple http requests written out socket without waiting corresponding responses. requestor waits responses arrive in order in requested. act of pipelining requests can result in dramatic improvement in page loading times, on high latency connections.

pipelining can dramatically reduce number of tcp/ip packets. typical mss (maximum segment size) in range of 536 1460 bytes, possible pack several http requests 1 tcp/ip packet. reducing number of packets required load page benefits internet whole, fewer packets naturally reduces burden on ip routers , networks.

http/1.1 conforming servers required support pipelining. not mean servers required pipeline responses, required not fail if client chooses pipeline requests. has potential introduce new category of evangelism bugs, since no other popular web browsers implement pipelining.

i recommend reading whole article since there's more copied answer.


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