c# - Using enum in ConverterParameter -

i building application can used many users. each user classified 1 of next authentication levels:

public enum authenticationenum {     user,     technitian,          administrator,     developer } 

some controls (such buttons) exposed levels of users. have property holds authentication level of current user:

public authenticationenum currentauthenticationlevel { get; set; } 

i want bind property 'visibilty' property of controls , pass parameter converter method, telling lowest authentication level able see control. example:

<button visibility="{binding path=currentauthenticationlevel, converter={staticresource authenticationtovisibility}, converterparameter="administrator"}"/> 

means 'administrator' , 'developer' can see button. unfortunately, above code passes "administrator" string. of course can user switch-case inside converter method , convert string authenticationenum. ugly , prone maintenance errors (each time enum changes - converter method should change).

is there better way pass not trivial object parameter?

arsenmkrt's answer correct,

another way of doing use x:static syntax in converterparameter

<button ...         visibility="{binding path=currentauthenticationlevel,             converter={staticresource authenticationtovisibility},             converterparameter={x:static local:authenticationenum.administrator}}"/> 

and in converter

public class authenticationtovisibility : ivalueconverter {     public object convert(object value, type targettype, object parameter, system.globalization.cultureinfo culture)     {         authenticationenum authenticationenum = (authenticationenum)parameter;         //...     } } 


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