actionscript 3 - Flash 10.1 AS3 - Applying realtime effects to Microphone - stutter problems -

i'm trying write flash application takes microphone stream , applies realtime effects , outputs speakers.

i'm finding i'm having problems stuttering when taking output mic, copying bytearray amd using seperate

sound = new sound();

sound.addeventlistener(sampledataevent.sample_data, processsound);;

to read bytearray , play sound.

i have noticed input mic's bytesavailable changes, , 2 events (the mic's sample_data , sound's sample_data) aren't firing b b b b needed more random.

am right in thinking mic.sample_data event fires @ different intervals different amounts of data , working implementation need read available data in , buffer input sound sampledataevent have play avoid stuffering?

i found solution thought i'd post on here incase else had similar problems (many google searches turned nothing me).

it seem input mic fed through inconsistently, , bytes sent through needed in order process sound. key getting work use array buffer input.

private var mic:microphone; private var micbuffer:array; private var playbacksound:sound; //the effect applying needed applied  private var _leftchannel:vector.<number> = new vector.<number>(8192/2);  private function init() {     micbuffer = new array();     mic = microphone.getmicrophone();     mic.rate = 22;      mic.addeventlistener(sampledataevent.sample_data, micsampledata); }  private function micsampledata(e:sampledataevent) {      //store sent microphone array - vary in length     while  ( > 0) micbuffer.push(;      //can wait here array reach size if needed     if (!playbacksound) {         playbacksound = new sound();         playbacksound.addeventlistener(sampledataevent.sample_data, processsound);;     } }  private function playbacksoundsampledata(e:sampledataevent) {      //this number change depending on sample rate of microphone     var numberoffloats = 8192/8;     (var = 0; i<numberoffloats && micbuffer.length > 0; i++)      {         _leftchannel[i] = micbuffer.shift();         count++;     }      //apply effect      //sample rate here half of 44 write twice + twice again make stereo     for(var = 0 ; < count ; ++i )     { _leftchannel[i] ); _leftchannel[i] ); _leftchannel[i] ); _leftchannel[i] );     } } 


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