sql - xQuery LIKE-operator? -

is there way perform operation xquery in same way sql?

i wan't construct "startswith", "endswith" , "contains"-expressions.

example of want achieve:

for $x in /user $x/firstname '%xxx' return $x $x in /user $x/middlename 'xxx%' return $x  $x in /user $x/lastname '%xxx%' return $x 

is there way achieve in xquery?


got answer question above. new problem:

would there way opposite way around? run queries sql equivalent not operator. possible? has in flwor-expression


solved problem. can run fn:not(starts-with('123', '1')) , returns false.

xpath 2.0 , xquery 1.0 (as standardized w3c) have regular expression support matches function http://www.w3.org/tr/xpath-functions/#func-matches:

/user[matches(firstname, 'xxx$')] 

and of course there functions starts-with , contains (both in xpath 1.0/2.0), , ends-with (only in xpath 2.0) might suffice.


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