Specifying relationships with YAML for Doctrine -

just trying specify tables structures , models doctrine in yaml file. i'm going through documentation on page: http://www.doctrine-project.org/projects/orm/1.2/docs/manual/yaml-schema-files/en

i haven't quite got grasp on each line in relations section doing.

here's sample yaml page:

 user:     columns:     username:       type: string(255)     password:       type: string(255)     contact_id:       type: integer   relations:     contact:       class: contact       local: contact_id       foreign: id       foreignalias: user       foreigntype: 1       type: 1 

specifically, relations, in order:

contact is.. guessing name of other corresponding table pertaining relationship?

class: contact is.. exactly? name of model created yaml?

local: contact_id local key, understand this.

foreign: id field name of foreign key, understand this

foreignalias: user line doing?

foreigntype: one
type: one: guessing these 2 lines specify type of relationship, eg, one-to-one?

thanks , help.

contact is.. guessing name of other corresponding table pertaining >relationship?

nope. name of object later use when accessing contact information of user.


this can different class-name

class: contact is.. exactly? name of model created >yaml?

that class referencing. needs classname in yaml (i.e. contact)

local: contact_id local key, understand this. foreign: id field name of foreign key, understand this

foreignalias: user line doing?

this name can access user information contact object.


foreigntype: 1 type: one: guessing these 2 lines specify type of relationship, eg, >one-to-one? jepp, right here.


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