java - String to ArrayList<String> -

i implementing spring mvc. different string values displayed on jsp page.

help me move string values arraylist reduce bulky code.

 @controller("control")  public class controller{  ...  @requestmapping() public string init(renderrequest request, renderresponse response,         model model) {     try {         string auth = request.getauthtype();  //all these strings moved arraylist<string>         string context = request.getcontextpath();         string etags = request.getetag();         string remoteuser = request.getremoteuser();         string sessionid = request.getrequestedsessionid();         string rescontent = request.getresponsecontenttype();         string scheme = request.getscheme();         string getservername = request.getservername();         string getwindowid = request.getwindowid();          portletmode getportletmode = request.getportletmode();  //if these different types moved <?>         portalcontext pcontext = request.getportalcontext();          model.addattribute("name", "sallu");         model.addattribute("auth",auth);         model.addattribute("context", context);         model.addattribute("etags",etags);         model.addattribute("remoteuser", remoteuser);         model.addattribute("sessionid",sessionid);         model.addattribute("rescontent",rescontent);         model.addattribute("scheme", scheme);         model.addattribute("getservername",getservername);         model.addattribute("getwindowid", getwindowid);         model.addattribute("getportletmode",getportletmode);         model.addattribute("pcontext",pcontext);     } catch (exception ex) {         log.error(errorutil.convertstacktracetostring(ex));     }     return jsp_page; } 

also me change jsp using

   <%my jsp%>    <tr>     <td>pcontexts------${pcontext}</td> </tr> <tr>     <td>auths------${auth}</td> </tr>     ...      //to changed using <c:foreach or loop> 


when add controller, , bozho showed in jsp, still not work:

model.addattribute("paramsmap", request.getparametermap());  

you can use request.getparametermap() - give map can iterate in jsp:.

<c:foreach items="${paramvalues}" var="mapentry">     <td>${mapentry.key}</td>     <td>${mapentry.value}</td> </c:foreach> 

paramvalues above implicit variable contains map.

when using forward, need nothing else in controller. can use: model.addattribute("paramsmap", request.getparametermap()), should not necessary.


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