android - How can i recycle imageView by using imagepath -

here storing image paths database. in tabhost, if click find tab images should displayed. @ time outofmemoryerror coming. please me. important me.

    image s = pictures.get(i);     tablerow imagetablerow = new tablerow(ctx);     imagetablerow.setlayoutparams(new tablelayout.layoutparams(layoutparams.fill_parent,layoutparams.wrap_content));     imageview imageview = new imageview(ctx);     log.i("neverforget","picture image path : " + s.getimagepath());     drawable d = drawable.createfrompath(s.getimagepath());     imageview.setimagedrawable(d);     imageview.setid(i);     imageview.setlayoutparams(new tablerow.layoutparams(100,100));     imageview.setpadding(0, 10, 0, 15); 

don't use drawable.createfrompath() bound load images @ native resolution. doubtless these large images, photos etc, , therefore require vast amounts of memory once decompressed, , hence oom errors. if you're asking them render small box, fully-sized in memory.

you should instead use bitmapfactory.decodefile() in conjunction suitable choice bitmapfactory.options.insamplesize.


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