Visual Studio 2010 Add In using Entity Framework -

i'm creating addin launches forms-based gui. addin , gui in different projects. gui connects database , utilizes ef orm.

when launch gui project vs, works great. when publish gui vs add-ins folder , run it, works fine. when launch gui add-in in vs, loads fine, tries hit database fails. ef complains metadata files.

exception: specified named connection either not found in configuration, not intended used entityclient provider, or not valid.


here configuration in app.config

  <connectionstrings>     <add name="companyentities" connectionstring="metadata=res://*/;;provider connection string=&quot;data source=testdb;initial catalog=company;persist security info=true;user id=id;password=password;multipleactiveresultsets=true&quot;" providername=""/>   </connectionstrings> 

the thing can think of "res://*/" portion maps differently when starting assembly different, i've tried using absolute paths csdl/msl/ssdl files without success.

what different launching gui add-in breaks configuration?

don't rely on connectionstring in config file don't control. instead, pass explicitly when new context, using objectcontext overload takes connection string.


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