Magento: What is the conceptual difference between a Quote Item and a Quote Address Item? -

inspired another question saw on so, wanted see if explain difference between quote item (mage_sales_model_quote_item) , quote address item (mage_sales_model_quote_address_item)?

i think understand concept of quote item (mage_sales_model_quote_item - mapped sales_flat_quote_item db table) - line item in customer's cart includes name/sku of product, quantity, , special options. don't understand quote address item mage_sales_model_quote_address_item - mapped sales_flat_quote_address_item db table) for. see has address associated it, heck for? can imagine might have multi-address shipping (which have never used) wild guess.

as secondary question (actually whole reason question :/), there cases custom module dealing quote items safely ignore quote address item?

its related "ship multiple addresses" each item needs mapped separate address


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