- fusion free charts and arraylist -

i trying use arraylist build graph using fusionfree cant work, keeps showing same item array list

 dim util new util()     dim region new list(of string)     dim int1 new list(of integer)       each rows gridviewrow in gridview1.rows         ' selects text textbox         dim regions label = ctype(row.findcontrol("label1"), label)         region.add(label1.text)         int1.add(10)      next        dim strxml string, integer     'initialize <graph> element     strxml = "<graph caption='sales product' numberprefix='$' formatnumberscale='0' decimalprecision='0'>"      'convert data xml , append     dim x int32     x = 0     = 0 (region.count) - 2         x = (x + 1)         'add values using <set name='...' value='...' color='...'/>         strxml = strxml & "<set name='" & region.item(x) & "' value='" & int1.count & "' color='" & util.getfccolor() & "' />"     next     'close <graph> element     strxml = strxml & "</graph>"      'create chart - column 3d chart data contained in strxml     return fusioncharts.renderchart("../fusioncharts/fcf_column3d.swf", "", strxml, "productsales", "600", "300", false, false) 

in here, adding same values on , over:

for each rows gridviewrow in gridview1.rows     ' selects text textbox     dim regions label = ctype(row.findcontrol("label1"), label)     region.add(label1.text) 'this should maybe regions? using label1     int1.add(10) next 

you adding text property label1 (not current row's label1) , 10 region , int1 resp.

also, row declared somewhere above loop above? noticed loop variable rows, trying pull label1 row. can please clarify discrepancy?


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