Android - how to compress or downsize an image? -

imagebutton avatarbutton = (imagebutton) findviewbyid(; avatarbutton.setimageresource(r.drawable.avatar); stravatarfilename =  "image.jpg";  final uri imageuritosavecameraimageto = uri.fromfile(new file(environment.getexternalstoragedirectory()+"/folder/"+stravatarfilename)); avatarbutton.setonclicklistener(new view.onclicklistener() {     public void onclick(view v) {         intent pictureintent = new intent(android.provider.mediastore.action_image_capture);         pictureintent.putextra( mediastore.extra_output, imageuritosavecameraimageto );         startactivityforresult(intent.createchooser(pictureintent, stravatarprompt), take_avatar_camera_request);         editor editor = preferences.edit();         editor.putstring(preferences_avatar, imageuritosavecameraimageto.getpath());         editor.commit();     } }); 

i have code. takes photo , stores in 2 locations, default location on sdcard , /folder/ file want photo stored in also. once taken refresh screen using this...

imagebutton avatarbutton = (imagebutton) findviewbyid(; string stravataruri = preferences.getstring(preferences_avatar, ""); uri imageuri = uri.parse(stravataruri); avatarbutton.setimageuri(null); avatarbutton.setimageuri(imageuri); 

this refreshes image button user can see image have taken. however, appears big , fills screen. there way can compress or downsize image user can see @ reasonable size?

you can mess imagebutton's scaletype properties (to fitxy example, or cropcenter), , setting fixed size layoutpreferences (height , width) you'll set.


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