RE :How can we execute a shell script file from my Android Application -

i trying write android application runs shell commands, or shell script if preferable, , displays output... can give me in right direction?

my code follows:

void execcommandline()     {         runtime runtime = runtime.getruntime();         process proc = null;         outputstreamwriter osw = null;          try         {              string[] str={"/system/bin/sh","/data/"};                                system.out.println("exec string");                  proc = runtime.exec(str);                osw = new outputstreamwriter(proc.getoutputstream());             //osw.write(command);             osw.flush();             osw.close();         }         catch (ioexception ex)         {               log.e("erre","ioexception");                       //log.e("execcommandline()", "command resulted in io exception: " + command);             return;         }                 {             if (osw != null)             {                 try                 {                     osw.close();                 }                 catch (ioexception e){}             }         }          try          {             proc.waitfor();         }         catch (interruptedexception e){}          if (proc.exitvalue() != 0)         {             log.e("erre","interruotexception");                      //log.e("execcommandline()", "command returned error: " + command + "\n  exit code: " + proc.exitvalue());         }     }      // ************************************** 

code running not getting output in adb shell logcat tell me if script executed how output in adb shell.

have looked gscript. quite flexible.


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